Monday, August 26, 2013

Jeca BTS

Jeca BTS from Don Clemente on Vimeo.


A Fun shoot with first time model Jeca. HMUA Aissa. Creative lighting was done on this shoot using 1 continuous LED light and 2 speedlights having 1 red gel and 1 blue gel. The continuous light was the key light and the other 2 speedlight where sort of made as highlights on the model's hair and skin. It cast a red and blue color cast on the overall scene.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Laureen BTS from Don Clemente on Vimeo.


This is a behind the scenes video of our recent photo shoot. All casual and just having some fun. this was executed using 2 Canon 580 EX II and 1 Canon 430 EX flashes. Diffusion is 2 shoot through umbrellas but configured as a bounce light. Another strobe is used as a background light. Power of the 2 lights were at 1/2 power and the background light was at full power.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Short Film - Containter

Container from Don Clemente on Vimeo.


A short movie that was shot at our site office, using 1 Go Pro Hero 2 camera. I just tested the capability of this camera if I could do a simple story out of it. It was acceptable, considering it's a small camera, not like a DSLR. Plot is that a worker which was doing his usual routine, was suddenly interrupted by an unusual event. All lighting were ambient and no external lighting was added. Visuals were added to create the creepy look.